Be Someone’s Reason to Smile

The decision to get braces for your child is a big step. However, with the right relationship, this investment in your child's self-confidence and dental health can be a lot easier. King George braces can give your child confidence in their appearance and greatly contribute to their future orthodontic health.

Dr. Matt Beecroft saw his father go from a man who was ashamed of his teeth to the proud wearer of a constant smile. If braces could do that for a fifty-nine year old man, how much joy could a great smile give you child?


The Beecroft Orthodontics facility at 9449 Grover Drive in King George, Virginia, offers a convenient appointment space east of Fredericksburg. Our offices are kept running smoothly by treatment coordinators, orthodontic technicians, and scheduling coordinators. Your appointments are critically important to us, and your child's orthodontic health is in the top of our list.

We offer early orthodontics consultations to review the condition and placement of your child's teeth as they grow and as their mouths prepare for permanent teeth to grow in. These early appointments are critical as they offer the orthodontic team the chance to suggest improvements that will reduce issues such as

1) Crowding

2) Protrusion of the upper teeth

3) Overbites

4) Under bites

While many people associate braces with adolescence, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children see an orthodontist by age seven.

These early examinations give your orthodontic team the chance to create more space for crowded teeth, address any growth issue around the jaw, and regulate the width of the arches to reduce the need for tooth extraction later in life.

The limitations of braces are being outweighed by the long-term benefits it can provide. There are few foods your child will need to avoid though, including sticky candy and hard foods, but the restricted list is shorter than many imagine. Braces have changed a lot over the years, and the professionals at Beecroft Orthodontics can help you make others smile!

Beecroft Orthodontics

10472 Georgetown Dr. Fredericksburg, VA 22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

Be Someone’s Reason to Smile