Georgetown smile

How Often Should I Brush my Teeth with Braces?

How Often Should I Brush my Teeth with Braces?

Braces could help you achieve that dream of having straight teeth and a great smile, but you will need to continue brushing and flossing your teeth in order to keep your mouth healthy. This orthodontic treatment works best when

How Can Invisalign Help Straighten Teeth and Boost Self-Confidence

How Can Invisalign Help Straighten Teeth and Boost Self-Confidence

Have you been embarrassed by your smile since childhood? Do you find yourself trying to hide your teeth as you speak in meetings at work? Perhaps even dating has left you feeling awkward about your smile. Unfortunately, having misaligned or crooked teeth…

How Much Does Invisalign Express Cost for Only Upper Teeth?

How Much Does Invisalign Express Cost for Only Upper Teeth?

If you have teeth that are less than straight, the Invisalign Express is the solution in dramatically improving your smile. It is the result of advanced innovative technology designed to straighten teeth at a lower cost than traditional…