Wisdom teeth

Can a Wisdom Tooth Cause Deafness or Blindness when Extracted?

The pain that you feel in your head, back, shoulders, and jaw may occur because of problems with your wisdom teeth. Also called the third molars, they sit at the end of each row of teeth and usually come in during the teenage years. As you have limited space in your mouth, those teeth can come in at an angle or become impacted, which will cause pain and inflammation. Even if you never had any problems when those teeth come in, you may suffer from problems later that requires the removal of those teeth. Many wonder about the potential side effects and if wisdom teeth extraction can cause deafness or blindness.

What is Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction essentially refers to the process in which an orthodontist removes the tooth. You may find that the orthodontist needs to take out all four teeth at the same time, only the two on the bottom or top or just a single tooth, but most people opt for the removal of all four teeth. The orthodontist will give you a series of injections that numbs the gums and other areas surrounding the tooth, and some orthodontists will give you an injection that puts you to sleep during the procedure. Your orthodontist will then carefully extract the tooth from your mouth and use gauze to reduce bleeding.

What if the Teeth Haven't Come in Yet?

Some patients find themselves suffering from swelling and pain even before the teeth come in and break through the gums. This often occurs in teenagers, but it can also affect older patients. This also occurs in those who have smaller mouths that lack enough space for those teeth. An orthodontist can remove those teeth, but the process generally takes a little longer. A small incision placed in the gum gives the orthodontist access to the tooth, and he or she can use specialized tools to extract the tooth from your mouth.

Is Deafness or Blindness Common?

The odds of you developing blindness or deafness because of a wisdom tooth extraction are extremely rare. Though all the nerves in the human body are connected, most orthodontists believe that problems with a wisdom tooth should not cause problems with hearing or vision. An impacted tooth or a broken tooth can put more pressure on the head and cause headaches and muscle pains, but you generally won't notice any other side effects. A good orthodontist will talk with you about the risk factors associated with wisdom tooth extraction and what you can do to keep yourself healthy.

Need More Help from an Orthodontist?

"Do I need braces?" is one of the most common questions asked to orthodontists. With Wildsmile braces King George residents can find an alternative to braces. Braces slowly straighten your teeth and improve your smile, but not everyone likes the way that braces look. Wildsmile braces let you choose the colors and materials used in your braces, which can make you feel more confident about your smile. If you live in the King George area and have questions about braces, your wisdom teeth or any other related topic, schedule an appointment with Beecroft Orthodontics today.

Beecroft Orthodontics 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

Can a Wisdom Tooth Cause Deafness or Blindness when Extracted?

The Mystery of the Wisdom Tooth

Do All Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

When it comes to teeth, everyone wants to have the brightest, the whitest, and the straightest teeth. Over time, people have developed all sorts of different ways to achieve these goals. White strips are common, braces have become invisible, and stain removal has practically illuminated the teeth to lamp standards. However, through all of this, one thing has remained relatively unchanged - the removal of the wisdom teeth.

The removal of wisdom tooth has always been considered by many as a rite of passage in the patient's dental timeline. The belief being that should the wisdom teeth be left in, they will create chaos in the mouth of the patient, ranging from tooth decay to crooked smiles. While the basis for these beliefs are sound, they are not always 100% accurate - so when do wisdom teeth need to come out?

Wisdom teeth warrant removal from the mouth when they fit into certain problem causing categories. The most glaring being the cases when wisdom teeth are "impacted." Impacted wisdom teeth are a result of the mouth not having enough room to accommodate the new tooth. The tooth can remain completely within the jaw bone - fully impacted - or they can wiggle their way up and expose bits of themselves to earn the classification of partially impacted. Fully impacted wisdom teeth are more risky to remove because of the potential damage to the nerves within the jaw, and even the best orthodontist will want to discuss the pros and cons of removing them. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are mostly always in need of removal, and can be removed with less risk of nerve damage due to their emergence and distance from the aforementioned nerves.

The next big reason for wisdom teeth removal is more apparent when it comes to partially impacted wisdom teeth - the difficulty of care involved. Partially impacted wisdom teeth provide hiding places for bits of debris to latch on and decay the tooth without the ability for traditional brushes and other tools to remove them. This leads to an increased risk of cavities, gum disease, and infection. On top of this, since it is hard for the patient to reach the tooth to care for it, should anything happen to the tooth that needs attention, the tooth will be just as difficult to reach to solve the problem in the office as well.

With all of this in mind, it is important to consult an orthodontist about the removal of wisdom teeth. When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, Dr. Matt Beecroft is widely considered one of the best orthodontists for the task. Our team at Beecroft Orthodontics can answer all of the questions needed to make a decision on the best course of action for the removal of wisdom teeth. Be sure to call us today!

Beecroft Orthodontics, 11113 Leavells Rd Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Phone: 540-898-2200

The Mystery of the Wisdom Tooth