Will Having Teeth Removed Ruin My Face?
Having teeth removed is a permanent procedure but your orthodontist is your advocate and your friend. Before any tooth is removed, your orthodontist will examine all the options before coming to the decision to proceed with tooth removal.
Why do I need to have teeth removed?
In some cases, teeth may need to be removed before braces are applied. Many times, there is overcrowding and there’s not enough room for the existing teeth to come in straight or be straightened.Therefore, removal of one or more teeth may be necessary to allow for orthodontic treatment to work properly. A consultation with a King George orthodontist will help you understand all you need to know with regards to successfully treating any issue you may have.
Treatment depends on which teeth need to be removed. If the issue is simply making room for proper alignment, the first teeth removed are generally the wisdom teeth, then the bicuspids directly behind the eyeteeth. If for some reason, there is a tooth that has to be removed for a reason other than overcrowding, such as a damaged tooth, and will be replaced in some fashion, space will be preserved to prevent other teeth from moving into that space before a replacement can be done.
Will removing teeth have an effect on bone loss?
One factor that can cause changes in the appearance of the face is the loss of bone related to tooth removal. Bone is living tissue and is constantly being reshaped. When teeth are removed, the bone is reabsorbed. Your doctor will take steps to ensure that the bone is preserved when a tooth is removed. If the bone loss is profound when the teeth begin to move during the orthodontic treatment, there will be insufficient bone through which they can move and can result in problems.
This can be prevented through bone grafting which can preserve needed space for future implants and/or provides structure for new bone growth. This will also ensure that there is enough bone to support the teeth as they move into proper alignment. In addition, some extractions may be slated for future replacements with either implants or a partial denture.
What are the facts about teeth removal?
Many people shy away from extractions for fear of the pain or fear of how it will make them look. Depending on the number of teeth to be removed, it definitely can have an effect on the shape and contours of your face, but your orthodontist is a professional with many years of experience in this area and has many ways of giving you the smile you desire and deserve with very little visible change in your facial appearance. In many cases, facial appearance can be changed for the better.
The majority of patients advised to have teeth removed are adults. Once the body has stopped growing, including the skull and jaws, a space allowance must be made in order for crooked/crowded teeth to be aligned properly.Your orthodontist is keenly aware that this is an important decision and will only advise this when it is in your best interest. In some cases, the only way to a perfect smile is to have one or more teeth extracted.
Are there other options to teeth removal?
If you are faced with having extractions before orthodontic treatment can begin and you are asking yourself the question, “Will having teeth removed ruin my face?” find an orthodontist who does braces for adults King George has to offer for consultation. You should always ask your orthodontist the question of how your facial structure may change and look in the future.
You may be able to find a King George orthodontist who can proceed with orthodontic treatment without removing a tooth, but you must be open to the idea of removing teeth if the treatment does not work without it. No professional would ever want you to have to settle for less, so it is best to allow the orthodontist to do his/her work.
Some other options that can be attempted before extractions include palatal expansion which will create some room for teeth to move, but much less than in an adolescent patient. There is also what we call as IRP or tooth shaving. In tooth shaving, very small amounts of tooth enamel are removed in places where the teeth would normally touch. In the case where this is used, this allows enough room for braces to pull the teeth in that are protruding, to reduce crowding, or adjust tooth widths.

Does it hurt to have teeth removed?
It is normal to feel nervous about tooth extractions but realizes that nearly everyone worries about the same thing when it comes to this. Routine extractions take very little time and result in very little discomfort. Orthodontic professionals are sensitive to the patient’s feelings and worries and do everything in their power to minimize any discomfort.
Novocain is applied until the site of the extraction is quite numbed, then the tooth is removed quickly and painlessly. The removal of wisdom teeth can be more involved, but most will say that it is not nearly as bad as expected and many patients will be able to have the wisdom teeth extracted in the office in the same fashion as any other tooth and with as little discomfort as well.
Sometimes the cost of a beautiful smile is the loss of a few teeth to make way for the smile you have always dreamed of. Prepare to go into your future smiling brightly. Call us now to learn more about necessary teeth extractions.
Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200
Will Having Teeth Removed Ruin My Face?