You can only hold a smile for so long, after that it's just teeth

You Can Always Smile with Straight Teeth

If you have misaligned teeth, then it is only possible to hold a smile for so long before visiting an orthodontist. Many people have unattractive smiles that lead to feeling self-conscious. When your teeth are crooked and have wide gaps, it doesn’t matter how many smile quotes you read. Fortunately, there are modern ways to repair your teeth, including wearing removable plastic aligners. The only way to determine if aligners can improve the appearance of your teeth is by having a complete evaluation. For minor malocclusion, you can wear a series of aligners made in slightly different configurations that are designed to shift teeth slowly into the correct positions.

Smile with Confidence after Wearing Braces

Adults, teenagers and children can wear metallic wire and bracket braces instead of aligners because of serious misalignments of their teeth, but there are also lingual devices worn on the backs of teeth. The most important thing is for you to schedule an orthodontic appointment to improve the positions of your teeth so that you can always smile with confidence. Orthodontists are also able to stabilize your loose teeth with braces after an injury occurs while playing contact sports or getting into a fist fight. While visiting your favorite orthodontist in King George, VA, you can request a custom-made dental guard to protect your teeth from injuries while playing sports.

Schedule an Orthodontic Appointment Today

To always smile with pride, you should visit Beecroft Orthodontics and have a consultation with Dr. Matt Beecroft to learn about these orthodontic devices:

  • Incognito – lingual braces

  • WildSmiles – fun brackets for teenagers

  • Clear braces – made to remain nearly invisible

  • Invisalign – aligners for adults and teenagers

Call us to schedule an appointment today to find out how you can smile with gorgeous straight teeth.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

You can only hold a smile for so long, after that it's just teeth