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Tap Water vs. Bottled Water

What’s the deal with bottled water? It doesn’t have Fluoride in it...

Bottled water has been hailed as a subtle change that allows easy access to purified drinking water. This has led many families to turn off the tap while opting instead to purchase their water in convenient bottles made for on-the-go use.

Unbeknown to many consumers, particularly those who have small children or those already at risk of tooth decay and other oral diseases, bottled water presents a hazard due to the fact that it's missing one crucial ingredient that teeth need to stay healthy: fluoride.

Why Do People Choose Bottled Water?

The main marketing principle of most bottled water is that it lacks the many contaminants that tap water has. Supposedly superior filtration processes and purer sources of water make it so people don't have to worry about things like excessive chlorine or other contaminants that can make water taste unpalatable.

Bottled water also exists as an alternative for people who live in areas where municipal water systems are either unable to supply the amount of water an individual needs or they lack the highly sophisticated filtration systems that many municipalities presently use.

The Big Problem With Bottled Water

While bottled water may taste better or be a more viable option for people in certain areas where modernized water utilities aren't available in surplus, it also lacks the necessary amount of fluoride needed to help growing and for weak teeth to become stronger. This can cause teeth to become brittle and cavity-prone.

The reason that bottled water lacks fluoride concerns the way that it's treated. The filtration processes that bottled water often undergoes eliminates molecules besides water and certain other trace elements from the water that then gets put inside plastic bottles.

Though these filtration processes are often similar and more effective than those that local municipalities employ, they inevitably save money by foregoing the crucial step that most local water treatment plants have opted to do. In other words, they don't add the fluoride back into the water.

Why is Fluoride so Important to Teeth?

Fluoride is most commonly available in the form of sodium fluoride. This simple, common chemical allows for teeth to do the following:

  • Remineralize – Acid is a natural byproduct of the mastication process. It works to tear away things like calcium from the surface of teeth, which leaves them weak and allows them to decay over time. Fluoride promotes remineralization, which is what reverses the damage done by acid.

  • Protection Against Demineralization – Fluoride can reinforce teeth and make it harder for acids from food and those created as a byproduct by naturally occurring bacteria to damage the dentin of teeth.

This means that children with developing teeth, people who have weak teeth, disorders affecting the teeth or less access to orthodontists need to have a source of fluoride. It's a vital ingredient that works to ensure that your teeth have just as long and as healthy of a life as you.

Worried About Your Teeth?

If you're worried about a lack of fluoride or any other issues affecting your teeth, then it's advisable that you seek out an orthodontist like Dr. Matt Beecroft at Beecroft Orthodontics. He is a specialist in orthodontics, which means that he offers more services than a general dentist does, like providing patients with different types of braces.

Beecroft Orthodontics, 10472 Georgetown Dr. Fredericksburg, Virginia

Phone: 540-898-2200

Tap Water vs. Bottled Water

Handling Invisalign Made Easy

Tips for Using Invisalign®

A crooked smile and gaps between teeth are common oral health conditions that have a number of adverse side effects. Not only do many patients wish to avoid the appearance, when left untreated it could also lead to medical issues for one’s jaw, gums, and the integrity of their teeth. This is why so many patients have turned to Invisalign to straighten their teeth and once again smile with confidence. For those who have recently gotten their trays or are interested in this process, here are some simple Invisalign tips and advice that will make the coming months as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

Plan Ahead for Oral Hygiene and Spare Trays

While Invisalign aligners are a very convenient way to deal with malocclusion, they are also going to take a little extra planning throughout the day. This begins with always having a spare set of hygiene products in a purse, the car, the office, or anywhere else where a patient is going to spend an extended period of time. This will remove any temptations to forgo brushing and flossing and having an extra set of trays around is a great idea for any emergencies that may come up.

What to Do About Meals

Meals should typically be the only time the trays are out of your mouth. This means that a number of problems can crop up such as debris hardening on the trays or forgetting to put them back in. When at home, a simple solution is to place the trays in a bowl of water and set a timer on one’s phone or watch set to go off just after eating. This will go a long way towards keeping the trays in for that 22 hour a day mark as well as making them as comfortable as possible when putting them back in.

How to Switch Trays Properly

The most discomfort experienced during this process will come from changing over to a new set of trays every week or so. The easiest way to avoid most of the discomfort comes down to three simple steps. First, patients should wait until just before they go to bed to put in their new pair. It is also a good idea to take over-the-counter painkillers to prevent any pain that will wake the patient up. The final trick is to run the trays under warm water for a few moments before placing them in the mouth to loosen them up slightly.

What to do After the Last Set of Trays

After the last tray is nearing completion, it is almost time for patients to sit back and enjoy their new world-class smile. This is also a great time to consider a few other treatments such as a teeth whitening sessions to really make one’s smile shine. If you are currently struggling with a crooked smile or know someone who is, contactBeecroft Orthodontics today to speak with our Invisalign provider in Fredericksburg and discover just how easy this treatment can be.

Beecroft Orthodontics, 10472 Georgetown Dr. Fredericksburg, Virginia

Phone: 540-898-2200

Handling Invisalign made Easy

Stay Cool this Summer...

Tips to Help You Beat the Heat This Summer

In addition to taking care of your oral health, it is also important to take certain precautions when the temperature rises. Dehydration, heat stroke and other serious health problems can be avoided if you are mindful of the ways to protect yourself from the heat. Here are a few effective ways you can beat the heat this summer:

Drink the Right Fluids

It is important to drink the right types of beverages in order to combat your loss of bodily fluids from sweating. Water, fruit juices and sports drinks containing electrolytes are ideal to consume and can quickly replenish fluid levels in your body. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages should be avoided due to their diuretic properties.

Service Your Air Conditioner

Air conditioners need proper maintenance in order to function effectively. Air filters should be cleaned on a regular basis. It is also a good idea to check the ducts for any leaks or obstructions. Cracks around your unit may cause more heat from the outdoors to enter your home, so it would be wise to seal any openings with caulking or some other type of sealant strip.

Keep Windows Covered

Drapes, shades and other window coverings can block out sunlight and keep temperatures in your home lower during the daytime. You can try opening your windows during the early morning and evening hours when temperatures are generally milder. Heat levels inside your home may further be reduced if you turn off your lights and only use the electrical devices that are absolutely necessary.

Reduce Physical Activity Levels

Running, bicycling or partaking in other vigorous activities when the weather is hot can put undue stress on your body and cause heat exhaustion. If you feel that you must get out to exercise, swimming or other aquatic activities will be most beneficial for you.

Wear Light, Breathable Clothing

Some of the best clothing options in the heat include short-sleeved T-shirts, tank tops and shorts. It is best to wear items that are made out of breathable materials so that you can stay cooler and not sweat as much.

Head to the Beach

Along with being an ideal spot to enjoy and have some fun in the sun, the beach may also be cooler than communities that are located further inland. Cool breezes from the sea provide natural air conditioning and often prevent the air from becoming hot and stale. Plus, the beach provides a great opportunity to enjoy aquatic activities such as swimming, surfing and paddle boarding.

Staying cool this summer can be easy if you know the right ways to beat the heat. If you visit Beercroft Orthodontics you can learn about other ways to stay cool. You will additionally receive information on how to take care of your teeth and other related knowledge that might prove useful to you.

Beecroft Orthodontics, 10472 Georgetown Dr. Fredericksburg, Virginia

Phone: 540-898-2200

Stay Cool this Summer Season