Put a Smile on Someone’s Face Today!

“If you've put a smile on someone's face today, you've done more good than you know.” -Richelle E. Goodrich

There are countless quotes about smiles, about its beauty, how it changes you, and how it changes others. The list goes on and on. However, out of the thousands of quotes about smiles, this one by Richelle E. Goodrich is possibly the truest.

A smile is worth a thousand more words than a picture, and it could even save a life. The best part about it is that it really doesn't take much to make someone smile. It doesn't have to be some well thought out, extravagant, expensive fancy plan to make someone smile. It could be something as simple as paying for the lunch of the person in the car behind you at the drive thru. It could be offering to help them with a household or outdoor chore on the weekend.

It could be shoveling snow out of your elderly neighbors’ driveway, leaving a nice note on a stranger’s car or telling someone that they look nice today. But, the best, easiest and least expensive way to put a smile on someone's face is to always smile.

Something as simple as a wave or smile to a stranger could cause them to smile back. Then, they may even smile at someone they don't know and the chain of smiles could go on and on, it could change someone's day or possibly even save a life.

If you have children, you know that their smile is the most beautiful thing in world. Did you know that children and teens often feel self-conscious about their smiles due to gaps or the alignment of their teeth? Help your child to be a smile on someone else’s face today by contacting Beecroft Orthodontics now.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

Put a Smile on Someone’s Face Today!