
I Don't Have Any Dental Problems: Should I Still Visit an Orthodontist?

I Don't Have Any Dental Problems: Should I Still Visit an Orthodontist?

Orthodontics is a field of medicine that is mainly used by someone who has developed a dental problem. It is rare to find someone visiting an orthodontist for preventive measures. However,…

If You Get a Chance, Take It. If Changes You, Let It. – Unknown 

If You Get a Chance, Take It. If Changes You, Let It. – Unknown 

Generally, the family dentist recommends that their patient should consult with an orthodontist. The orthodontist is the dental professional that has extra training beyond dental school on the way to straighten a patient's teeth or correct jaw problems. The orthodontist has…

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Beecroft Orthodontics, 10472 Georgetown Dr. Fredericksburg , Virginia Phone: 540-898-2200