
Best Option for Gum Recession

Best Option for Gum Recession

Gum recession occurs when a margin of tissue wears away from a tooth and exposes its root. Receding gum line could be an early sign of gum disease. When a gum line recedes, gaps form near the gum line and teeth. The gaps make…

How Often Should I Brush my Teeth with Braces?

How Often Should I Brush my Teeth with Braces?

Braces could help you achieve that dream of having straight teeth and a great smile, but you will need to continue brushing and flossing your teeth in order to keep your mouth healthy. This orthodontic treatment works best when

What Happens After Invisalign Treatment Is Completed?

What Happens After Invisalign Treatment Is Completed?

Invisalign is a wonderful treatment for misaligned teeth. It can be life-changing for some people. However, not everyone knows what happens after Invisalign treatment. There's a lot of important follow-up treatments