During pregnancy, your body experiences many changes, and it becomes extremely important to take care of yourself for the health of your baby. This includes keeping an eye on both your emotional, mental and physical health. As part of this, many women believe they shouldn't undergo any changes while pregnant, including getting braces to
straighten their teeth. However, just because you're pregnant doesn't necessarily mean that you can't wear braces. We're going to discuss this topic in depth as well as talk about alternatives to traditional braces, such as Invisalign.
Pregnancy and X-rays
The biggest complication to take into account when considering wearing braces while pregnant are the X-rays that need to be taken beforehand. It's important for your orthodontist to take X-rays of your mouth to determine if there are any unseen problems such as hidden teeth that need to be corrected before moving forward with braces. If you had your X-rays taken before your pregnancy started, you should be able to move forward with getting braces without any concern. If not, you have a few things to take into consideration.
Some studies show that X-rays can be dangerous for unborn babies. However, these studies also show that this is only true when the X-ray is pointed directly at the fetus. While this is the case, it's up to you to decide if you feel comfortable about getting x-rays while pregnant. When in doubt, ask your orthodontist and your for advice.
Other Considerations for Traditional Braces
While x-rays are the most important thing to consider when thinking about getting braces while pregnant, some other factors should be taken into account as well.
Swollen gums – During pregnancy, it's common for women to experience swollen gums. When wearing braces, this can cause more discomfort than normal patients usually experience. While this shouldn't be a problem with regular visits to your orthodontist, it's still something that needs to be considered because taking painkillers while pregnant isn't recommended.
Changes in Hormones – Changes in your hormone levels can make your teeth move more than usual. This has the potential to impact your treatment if you aren't visiting an experienced orthodontist who can determine the right type of braces to fit your needs.
Difficulty Eating – When you're pregnant, eating can already be difficult. Foods that you once loved may make you sick, and keeping it down can be hard during the first few months. Braces have the potential to add to this problem. Talk to your orthodontist, and learn the foods you can and can't eat when wearing braces.
Damon Braces
If your orthodontist determines that traditional braces are a right fit for you during pregnancy, ask about Damon Braces. The goal of these types of braces is to be more comfortable and easy to keep clean. They put less pressure and friction on the teeth, which may make the whole experience more tolerable while being pregnant.
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Damon Braces work by using a slide mechanism to help hold the wires in place. This allows your teeth to move freely. This type of system doesn't use the elastic ties that are common with normal braces. This is important because these elastic ties are known to collect and attract plaque. This can make keeping up with your dental hygiene even harder, which is not something you want when pregnant.
Last, but not least, Damon Braces are available with clear brackets, so they're less noticeable but just as effective. This feature could decrease the chances of you feeling self-conscious about your appearance.
Ask your orthodontist if Damon Braces are right for you. This system is strong enough to be used by adults but safe enough to be used on kids.
Invisalign and Pregnancy
Traditional braces aren't your only option when considering braces when pregnant. Another option is getting Invisalign. As an alternative to metal braces, they are smooth and nearly invisible. Invisalign works by gently shifting the alignment of your teeth via a patented tray alignment system. Every couple of weeks, you use a different alignment tray that further adjusts the alignment of your teeth. While costing slightly more than traditional braces, it's a great option for women who want a simpler alternative.
Invisalign Considerations
The Invisalign system is generally considered an easier adjustment system to use than traditional braces. However, there are still a few things to take into consideration before choosing Invisalign. One example of this is morning sickness of pregnancy. During the first few months, it's common for women to experience morning sickness. Since vomiting is common during this time, it's recommended that women don't wear the Invisalign system until after the period of morning sickness has passed. This is because the stomach acid found in vomit can damage the Invisalign aligners.
Another thing to consider is your eating habits. When pregnant, women often eat more frequently than normal. While eating more often isn't going to damage your teeth, it's important to keep in mind that your Invisalign aligners have to be removed before every snack and meal. This is just a minor inconvenience but still something that you should consider since you will already have a lot on your mind when pregnant.
Invisalign Aligners Are BPA-Free
Another concern that women often have with Invisalign is that it's made out of heavy-duty plastic. This raises the concern that the aligners contain Biphenyl-A, which is more commonly referred to as BPA. This is a real concern since studies show that BPA may be harmful to young children, infants and fetuses. That being said, this shouldn't be a concern when using Invisalign since the aligners are certified BPA-free by the FDA.
Gingivitis and Invisalign
Gingivitis can be another cause of concern when pregnant. If you have gingivitis, your orthodontist may ask that you
wait until it's treated before starting Invisalign. One reason for this is because pregnancy naturally affects the balance of hormones in the body. This has the potential to worsen gingivitis. Ask your orthodontist to check you for any signs of gingivitis.
When looking for orthodontic treatment for pregnant women, give us a call at the Beecroft Orthodontics center. We have the experience and tools to ensure your teeth alignment is performed without a problem. Contact us today!
Beecroft Orthodontics
239 Garrisonville Rd. Suite #101 Stafford,Virginia
Phone: 540-659-6300
Can I Wear Braces If I'm Pregnant?