Smile Qoutes

Before You Put on a Frown, Make Absolutely Sure There Are No Smiles Available - Jim Beggs

Before You Put on a Frown, Make Absolutely Sure There Are No Smiles Available - Jim Beggs

A smile comes with a positive connotation, and a frown comes with a negative one; however, despite that fact, people often turn toward the latter. As your kids start going to the orthodontist, you want to encourage them to keep…

If You See a Friend without a Smile,Give Him One of Yours

If You See a Friend without a Smile,Give Him One of Yours

As you raise your children, you’ll likely have many lessons that you want them to learn, and some of those lessons involve how to interact with other children. When you bring your kids to the orthodontist and encourage them to keep smiling,…

Smile: It's Free Therapy - Douglas Horton

Smile: It's Free Therapy - Douglas Horton

A smile is a wonderful thing. Smiling lifts you up and everyone around you.
In fact, smiling is a therapy of the best kind: It’s free therapy.
The benefits of smiling have been validated by science too: