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Tooth-Friendly Recipe 7: Black Bean Rice Burgers

Tooth-Friendly Recipe 7: Black Bean Rice Burgers

If you are a mom, you probably already know the importance of keeping your family's teeth clean by brushing twice a day. However, you might not be aware that the food you cook can also impact your family's dental health. Certain foods…

Difference between A Dentist and Orthodontist

Difference between A Dentist and Orthodontist

Having a proper dental care is vital in ensuring that you live comfortably. Not only would you look good, but it also ensures you would feel good. However, most people are not sure when looking for the right dental care expert. The dentist vs. orthodontist

How Much Does Invisalign Express Cost for Only Upper Teeth?

How Much Does Invisalign Express Cost for Only Upper Teeth?

If you have teeth that are less than straight, the Invisalign Express is the solution in dramatically improving your smile. It is the result of advanced innovative technology designed to straighten teeth at a lower cost than traditional…