Smile Quotes

Wear a Smile and Have Friends


This "proverb" from the writings of George Elliot, a famous 19th century author definitely holds true. As a woman living in that era, Mary Ann Evans took on the pen name of George Elliot so she could write strong dramatic fiction. She knew from firsthand experience what first impressions could do. For her and her contemporaries, a friendly smile made all the difference in life. The same holds true today. People do tend to steer away from unfriendly scowls. Scowls also cause disfigured faces with lines and wrinkles.

Beautiful, Healthy Smiles Can Change Your Life

It is a known fact that beautiful, healthy smiles can attract people to you. When you wear a smile, it signals to the other person that you are open. You can wear a smile and have friends because they don't feel intimated by you. You project confidence and assurance with your smile.

So what if you are embarrassed by your smile? Your teeth say a lot about you. Crooked or broken teeth, gaps and other deformities often deter people from smiling.

You Can Have the Beautiful Smile you’ve Always Dreamed Of

The orthodontists at Beecroft Orthodontists are highly trained in all areas of orthodontia from the popular Invisalign® braces to the fixed Incognito™ braces. You can have confidence that your teeth problems will be addressed and corrected. Common treatments include the under bite treatment that corrects what is commonly known as a reverse smile effect and the Teeth Crowding treatment that corrects the overlapping effect.

Options for You to Consider with Orthodontics

You have many options. We have advanced orthodontics in Stafford that you can take advantage of and utilize. The dedicated staff at Beecroft Orthodontists can make you smile in Stafford. So why not give them a call at (540)659-6300. You'll be glad you did.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

Wear a Smile and Have Friends

By the Way, I'm Wearing the Smile You Gave Me

Happiness Is Contagious

If you smile at someone, the recipients are more likely to smile for the rest of the day. A happy mood is contagious, and before you know it, numerous people are smiling because you began the process. However, when you avoid smiling due to the embarrassment caused by crooked teeth, it is time to visit an orthodontist. You can improve a smile with braces that are customized to repair your malocclusions. An orthodontist uses three-dimensional medical images to determine the best orthodontic treatment required for your misaligned teeth. Depending on your malocclusions, the duration of wearing braces may vary.

Give a Smile to Everyone

Imagine how wonderful it would be to give a smile to everyone you meet each day rather than hiding your teeth. In addition to making your face more attractive, orthodontic treatment is an excellent way to improve your overall health. When your teeth are in proper alignment, you are less likely to have jaw pain. You might think that only children and teenagers can wear braces, but this is not true. Today, more adults are visiting orthodontists to fix problems that were not repairable several years ago.

Schedule an Orthodontic Appointment

If you have mild malocclusions, then removable aligners are a fantastic way to improve your smile. For an Invisalign in Fredericksburg evaluation, you should contact Beecroft Orthodontics. Dr. Matt Beecroft offers a variety of orthodontic treatments, including:

  • Lingual braces

  • Colorful braces from WildSmile

  • Surgical orthodontic treatment

  • Invisalign aligners for teenagers and adults

It is also possible to use Beecroft Orthodontics  ' online form to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the services.

Beecroft Orthodontics 10472 Georgetown Dr. Fredericksburg, VA 22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

By the Way, I'm Wearing the Smile You Gave Me

People Seldom Notice Old Clothes If You Wear a Big Smile - Lee Mildon

Wear a Big Smile instead of Buying Designer Clothing

If you are wearing old clothes, remember that people won’t notice it as long as you are happy with a huge smile on your face. It is more important to spend money on your health rather than expensive designer clothes. You might want to visit an orthodontist today for an examination to learn if you have malocclusions. In addition to a physical checkup from an orthodontist, you will have medical images taken. This is so the orthodontist can plan accordingly to fix or improve the condition of your mouth along with facial structures such as the shape of your jawbone.

Wear Braces at Any Age

After wearing braces, you can keep smiling while wearing old clothes and also saving money to buy other more important things. An orthodontic treatment is designed to improve your overall health by correcting your bite, making it easier to consume a nutritious diet. Children who wear braces are able to learn how to speak correctly because they can place their tongue against the proper surfaces of teeth. You do not need to forget about having orthodontia treatment at an older age because many mature individuals are choosing to improve their appearance as well.

Contact Beecroft Orthodontics

Invisalign in King George orthodontic fittings are available at Beecroft Orthodontics. Dr. Matt Beecroft is available to care for children, teenagers and adults who need to have their teeth straightened in order to keep smiling for a lifetime. Orthodontic treatments include:

  • Colorful braces from WildSmiles

  • Lingual braces worn on the backs of teeth

  • Clear removable aligners designed by Invisalign

  • Customized surgical treatments for severe malocclusions

You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Beecroft with an online form to visit one of his three orthodontic facilities.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

People Seldom Notice Old Clothes If You Wear a Big Smile - Lee Mildon